There are times where I like to remind myself progress is progress, even if its a couple sentences written over the course of an entire week. This is, uh, one of those times.
Each project is followed by a word count in the title, if applicable.
Super Cool Cat Mech Fighting Short Fiction Story Hells Yeah! (0)
Some short story having to do with cats. Intended for Felis Futura. Deadline 31 Dec 2021.
Progress: Brainstorming Stage
Primary To-Do:
- Outline
- Come up with a damn title
The Prince Who Married a Lake (3,306)
Styled after folk tales, a prince tries to evade getting married, despite the efforts of the king, queen, and the kingdom's royal advisors.
Progress: 970 words this month (3200 words total). Probably around 45% into the rough draft.
Primary To-Do:
- Finish outlining the second half
- Come up with 3 trials
The Squid Wife (3,306) Draft Complete!
A tale about two lovers and a cursed sea beast.
Draft: Google Docs: The Squid Wife
Progress: Draft completed. 3,306 words this month (3,306 total).
Primary To-Do:
- Finish first round of editing
- Beta Read
Death has Grown Noble (25,768)
The kingdom of Radelle has finally reached a golden age of peace--its rival country to the north has been left in ruins, the wildlings to the west have given up the Old Ways or been culled, and the free guilds of the East are shackled to the Crown through a series of diplomatic marriages and armed threats. The throne has never held so much power before. In its long shadow, however, hides new enemies; enemies not at the gate, but within, and growing. The heart of the kingdom rots with greed, pride, and hubris.A thane by the name of Byrnie has been sent west, far away from growing turmoil in the hound's homeland, carrying secrets sought by the kingdom's Courts that will either save or forsake the realm. A mouse noblesse seeks out the truth of her family, only to fall into the maws of danger during a delicate dance between usurpers and her own court. And, an unwilling blacksmith's son is caught in a growing uprising spreading across the Collar; the horse is given the choice to either escape with his family and live another day as a coward, or fight with his countryfolk who fervently pursue reckless, honorable deaths.Either the Stars will save them, or leave them to the same fate their country has long deserved.
Draft: Google Drive: DGN Folder. Due to the nature/size of the draft, I'll upload the most recent PDF/word file in the linked, shared folder.
Progress: 25,768 words total. About 60% of the way thru Part 1.
Primary To-Do:
- Get up to the current point beta-read
- Edit and polish Chapter 8
- Figure out where I misplaced the current outline
- Write more in-depth character sheets, including for characters not introduced until Part 2
- Finish Chapter 8, where Blanca forms a better relationship with Morose, and her cousin Macare becomes more involved in her life.
- Start on that poster board for planning.
- Have cover art commissioned by a friend (friend contacted, waiting in queue).
A story about an identified-as-male college student who uses VR to express themselves as a popular female persona known as Amaretto. Super rough in the works. Will probably end up as one of those stories I throw up online without a care about the grammar or worry about the quality--this'll be a project I finish for the sake of finishing a story. Also practice outlining and finishing a novel-length work
Progress: ??
Primary To-Do:
- Rewrite in 1st person
- Outline better
- Find some beta readers (if possible)
A third story to go with my Senja and the Sea Hound, and The Prince Who Married a Lake works. I want to have a mini little set of folk-style stores.It's called "The Squid Wife," and the first draft is complete!- A scifi story that'll fit in with a fur scifi anthology I came across. Something about aliens and species-ismmmm.
- Senja and the Sea Hound (unsubmitted)--consider submitting to Pirating Pups. Submissions open October 1 to Nov 30, 2021.
- Elksbridge (unpublished)
- (un)Life is Hard (accepted for publishing, waiting to be published)
- Biscuits (accepted for publishing, waiting to be published)