It's been a busy month... for everything except reading and writing for me :(
Still, I've gotten some things done since last update. Mostly just expanding my list of things to read...
Currently Reading:
- Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World (Robert Jordan)
- Mistmantle: Urchin of the Riding Stars (MI McAllister)
- LOTR: The Two Towers (JRR Tolkein, audio book)
- Inkheart (Cornelia Funke)
- Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts (Christopher de Hamel, wanted)
- Discworld Series (Terry Pratchett, wanted)
- Song of the Forever Rains (EJ Mellow, wanted)
- A Mage Out of Time (Neil Breault, wanted)
- Truth of the Divine (Lindsay Ellis, wanted)
- Game of Thrones (George RR Martin, own)
- On Writing and Worldbuilding, Volume II (Timothy Hickson, own)
- Narnia Series (CS Lewis, own)
- Midnight Sun (Stephanie Meyer, wanted)
- On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous (Ocean Voung, wanted)