Saturday, July 15, 2023


 For the record, not only did I remember to bring sunblock floating, I actually wore it this time. And reapplied it! Just not... on my neck and face. It's okay. We're all gonna get cancer and die anyways unless a climate catastrophe or the sun exploding gets us first.

Part 26 of Moonless is up. I know it's been long gaps between updates (which sucks because I have the work planned out up to the final scene), so I'll try to get 27 up either tomorrow or midweek as a bonus. Just gotta warm up my grammar bones and haul up some rough spots. Summer classes end in two weeks; the reprieve might help get my gears running again. At a minimum, it'll be time to actually sleep

In my reading adventures, I decided to finally trial Audible. Tried to listen to Journey to the West, and accidentally ended up with the short kiddie version that spoiled the longer work for me :\ Starting to think Audible isn't worth the price since it just gives you one credit a month (which is like, the cost of a book), then access to a bunch of free books I don't want to read.

Good thing for trials, right?

Anyways, read list for this update is short. All I got done is, again, that kiddie short version of Journey to the West. But! Been knocking out Sailor Moon, the OG series. It's fucking great.

Crystal sucks, though. Don't watch it if you've never seen the series, or else you'll miss out on a sassy Mars, sassy Tuxedo Mask, and some Mercury goggle action. Mysterious buildups in the original that take like, 20 episodes to reveal, Crystal just expositions in like five minutes >:(