I want to write a story called The Last Vampires on Earth, about a pair of vampires in a post-apocalyptic climate crises, after all non-infected humans have disappeared, thus condemning the remainder of vampire society to starve out and die. It'll have political undertones. Climate change undertones. Resource exploitation undertones. Undertone undertones. Will it be good? Probably not. But I think I'll name the characters Todd and Sarah, after my Totodile and Cyndequil in Pokemon Go.
Idle dreams for an idle future where I have free times on my hands, though.
After two months of a dead sprint through 3 classes and 40+ hour workweeks, I found time to squeeze out Part 29 of Moonless. After rereading previous sections of Moonless because I, uh, forgot a lot of things over multiple hiatuses (we talk about unreliable narrators, but what about unreliable authors?), I accidentally uncovered a plethora of inconsistencies.
Like character names being dropped then disappearing, or having new names, or names with new spellings... It's hard not to go backwards over details instead of forward. I know what you're thinking--have you thought of making a list of characters?
But have you done it?
Sort of! Kind of. Well, I have now.
By my count, Moonless currently has 30 named, reoccurring characters. I've finally gotten around to posting a total Reoccurring Characters list. You can see it on the Serial Table of Contents page.
There are some characters with whited-out names, or parts of their names; this is to help protect some plot twists for those trying to avoid spoilers. And makes me feel like a cool secret keeper. Yes, you can highlight the white-out to reveal names.