Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The End of 2023 is Nigh!

Late night, come home / Work sucks, I know

Hello, it's almost the end of 2023, and I've made as much progress over two years in Moonless than what any other serial author could have pulled off in 6 months (is that a grammatically correct sentence?). Not that you should measure yourself by the standards of others. but do it anyways, self image is a joke.

Good life news, though. After pulling off my 3rd 4.0 semester, getting 100% on finals for some of the most difficult prereqs for my degree, I'm finally entering Nursing school. Yes, I need to brag about it to somebody because do you know how hard it is to take A&P and magically be able to blindly put your hand in a dead body and know yes, this is the ileocecal valve, even though the last person displaced it to where the descending colon should be, due to the sharp angle and the squish it makes.

All that's left is the oral interview. I imagine it'll go down just as well as Andy Dwyer's police interview from Parks and Rec.

Any future progress plans for Moonless? I've got exactly 5,605 words in Moonless that need editing. Once I got some more flesh for 2 or 3 parts, I'm hoping to get all of what I got posted to Reddit before end of January. I may be slow, but I'm not giving up, I swear!

A shot of my messy workspace
to prove I am certainly not lying

Reading Updates: For the holidays, the people in my life accurately guessed I like books. As I'm trying to finish Tolkein's LOTR series yet again, my sister gifted me with On Writing and Worldbuilding: Volume III by Timothy Hicks. Doens't help I got Heart Stopper 1-3, The Vampire Lestat and The Emotional Thesaurus in the mail. A nice break from reading textbooks and angry work emails, I guess.

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